The Best Way To Deal With Wasp Nests On Your San Diego Property

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Finding a wasp nest around your San Diego property is always an upsetting discovery. These stinging insects are terrifying to be around as they do have the ability to sting and inject venom, and, in some cases, this can be quite dangerous. People with allergies can have severe reactions, and some species can inject venom multiple times in a row sending even those without allergies to the hospital.

There are a few main species of wasps in San Diego that commonly build nests. These are paper wasps, mud daubers, and yellowjackets. You can use this simple guide to identify wasps species around your home or business:

  • Paper wasps are a subset of wasps that are known for the papery, grey nests they build. They have narrow bodies and are usually dark brown with yellow markings.
  • Yellowjackets are an aggressive species that makes circular, gray nests. They have yellow and black stripes, but unlike bumblebees which are plump and covered in fur, yellow jackets are sleek and hairless.
  • Mud daubers use mud to build their nests, and they are usually black with yellow markings. They have thin, threadlike waists and are quite long and thin.

Where Do Wasps Build Nests?

To understand where wasps build their nests around area properties, you need to know a bit about their life cycles. Wasps build these nests because it’s where they live out their life cycles. The nests are started by a queen who uses a mixture of chewed wood and saliva to build each cell. The only exception to this is the mud dauber which uses a mud mixture instead. After starting to build the nest, the queen lays eggs that hatch into worker wasps that will continue to grow the nest.

Wasps can build their nests in many places around a home or business. Species such as yellowjackets often build under decks, awnings, and eaves while other species will create nests in trees, shrubs, and other natural spaces.

Can You Remove A Wasp Nest On Your Own?

Sometimes property owners try to remove a wasp nest without professional help, but this is extremely dangerous. You’re most likely to be stung when you’re getting rid of the nest as even nests that look inactive could still contain wasps. Some species also attack together leading to a dangerous number of repeated stings.

Some of the most popular DIY wasp removal methods include using pesticides or knocking down the nest, but often these measures are ineffective as well as being dangerous. The wasps are likely to just rebuild their nest somewhere close by. Because of all of these factors, it’s just never a good idea to try to remove a nest by yourself.

How To Get Safe And Effective Wasp Control

It’s not worth putting your health and safety at risk by trying to remove a wasp nest on your own. The best way to remove any wasp species from your property is to request assistance from the San Diego, CA pest control professionals at Allswell. We offer both residential pest control and commercial pest control, and we use high-quality wasp removal methods that use Integrated Pest Management to keep wasps from coming back. To schedule an inspection, or get an estimate, contact our team today online or over the phone. We can’t wait to hear from you!